Left to right: (Assistant director Rob holding Abi, Junior, Starlin y Alan playing while spotting a rainbow, Director Elen holding Starlin and Melisa).
In looking around the various places I have visited here in Honduras and the quality of life, I have noticed some differences between needs and wants.
For example, what do I need to survive (in order of most important)?
*love, to know and be made known to others (parental units or some guardian that guides you and socializes you, teaching you to value yourself and others)
*food (clean water especially), clothing, and shelter (security)
*hope, for tomorrows meal and for future job security and betterment
*a community, for knowledge of self and support
*medical care when dire situations arise
*a time of rest and recouperation for both the soul and body
*a relationship with the earth, reaping what is sown and appreciating all that was created
*fresh fruits of every kind, especially mango, maricuya and watermelon (ok, if you don´t think you need this to survive maybe you haven´t tried the fruits in Honduras! Just sayin.)
What have I realized are wants?
*toliet paper!!
*clean feet or sandals, and dry shoes
*constant running water and electricity
*a space of my own, a silence
*freedom of movement, the ability to walk or run when I want
*a shower without visitors, like ants and frogs and cockroaches
*unlimited text messaging and phone calls
*consistent phone service from TIGO, the phone service I use here
*the ability to define myself without using the color of my skin and its history here
*buses that follow a set time schedule
*hair that isn´t stringy no matter how much I shower
*freedom of staring (ok so it isn´t normally a freedom, but when many people, especially men, stare back at you intently you remember that your eyes don´t feel so free)
*pavedroads (driveable roads) and tiled floors
*vegetables, in every meal
*the ability to choose my job and the hours I work
*AND, the ability to dance all the time to the amazing Latin beats I constantly hear (although, there are definitely lots of opportunities!)
What can you idenitfy in your life as needs or wants? How does that play into how you fully live in each day? (more specifically, when did you last bite into a fresh mango? That´s defintiely both)
I haven´t really missed a.c. It feels pretty great to sweat most times. I´m learning to be more patient and know that though the mid-day can be swealtering hot, the evening will bring rain that downpours. Each time will be relaxing in its own right and I need to sit back and enjoy the day. I´m learning to take in the colors of the earth, noticing new colors of green and the vibrancy of each flower and leaf. Also, I love the depth of the mountains which are unparalled in beauty. There is a lot to say for the simplicity of having a home-made meals every day and learning to take life as it comes. Music has seemed to take on a whole new meaning and I am greatly enjoying learning to dance here. I am able to read books to my heart´s content and just sit to contemplate. Each day, I am filled with food (mmm Baleadas, my favorite dish, sorta a Honduran quesidilla that we have each Thursday breakfast), love from the kids, and the ability to be. My spanish is improving although I have had many impatient kids and funny misunderstandings in speaking. Asi es la vida (such is life)!!! May you continue also to enjoy fall (or winter as the temperature already may feel like) to its fullest and remember the creation around you as a gift to be contemplated and appreciated daily.
1 comment:
you haven't been away long. you still know your town :) its winter of course!
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