by e. e. Cummings
Now i lay(with everywhere around)
me(the great dim deep sound of rain;
and of always and of nowhere)and
what a gently welcoming darkestness--
now i lay me down(in a most steep more than music)
feeling that sunlight is(life and day are)only loaned:
whereas night is given(night and death
and the rain are given;and given is how beautifully snow)
now i lay me down to dream of(nothing i or any somebody
or you can begin to begin to imagine)something which nobody may keep.
now i lay me down to dream of Spring

(From left to right: Coworker Doris with Hector and Junior, a gigantic tree from a nearby town named Yuscaran, taken from Montana de Luz looking down towards Nueva Esperanza, a beautiful unique flower here, an example of the brillant colores of flowers you can never get enough of!)
Saludos from Montana de Luz! It´s been a busy and frusterating week. This past weekend the other two Salters and I hung out in Teguc. It was fun to get away and see the bigger city for a while. We had this awesome coffee shake (which I am not addicted to...I hope) called a granita. It was marvelous. We also strolled around the city and had so many tipical foods. The air was fresh. It was great to have freedom of movement finally and be with people that I understand and relate with so easily.
However, this past weekend I had been struggling with a cold. This combined with the changing altitudes from Nueva Esperanza to Teguc caused both my ear drums to burst. This past week has been interesting struggling to hear but also feeling like I can´t breathe. However, at times it is nice not to hear when the kids are screaming my name constantly for second helpings at dinner!
Anyways, this is the second time for a two week period that I have been sick and this time with an infection. I was really struggling not to complain about this (thanks mom and dad for listening!) when I started praying and just thinking how lucky I truly am to be healthy and what a gift it is. I have been in such good health for most of my life. It is such a contrast to see kids as young as five struggling with AIDS, knowing they will be constantly battling low immune systems and needing pills every 12 hours for the rest of their lives. Here I am teaching physical education in the afternoons. Often, I have a couple kids who sit out because they can´t breathe or are just feeling too sick. One kid has been struggling for the last two weeks and been going into Teguc to see the doctor. So many of the kids go in to Teguc once a week to get shots and have their blood taken. And they don´t have moms and dads to complain to....
Another frusterating thing about this week is that the mom of four of our kids died. The mom had AIDS and survived a domestic violence situation. The violence had left her incapacitated to the point that she finally stopped breathing. Two of these kids are below the age of five and it was truly sad to see that they didn´t understand. Its so difficult to watch this situation as the oldest of these siblings is a 14 year-old girl who just wants to be normal and celebrate her quincenera (a big birthday party for 15 year-olds) in a couple of weeks. Montana de Luz will try to provide her with lots of dancing and cake, yet underneath it all she knows she is now the caretaker of her family. So its been a heavy week...
In the midst of this, GOD IS GOOD. All the time. Even in chronic sickness and suffering, even in disbelief and frusterations. Even when we don´t understand the suffering of kids and the death of those who are poor. Even when we personally experience sickness that helps us to better understand those who suffer around us...
Something I have taped to my door says, ¨for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.¨Phil 4:11 to 13. This is quite challenging. I find that the kids teach me to search for contentment and the joy in everyday. They teach me what it is to keep playing even when I don't feel like it. Please pray for these kids for the strength to keep loving and keep playing despite pain both physical and emotional. Please pray especially for this family of four kids, who just lost their mom. And pray for the health of your parents, cuz I bet theres a lot to be thankful for.
1 comment:
Good post, good Photos, AMAZING POEM by e.e cummings. I would like to see one of yours up there some time. I have been thinking about the contentedness thing too lately -- I wrote to an unrequited love the other day : I am maybe trying unsuccesfullly to learn a little healthy contentedness. I think you'd understand that more than her though --- that balance between always striving, wanting more out of life out of relationships, out of yourself and art etc., realizing we could make it better and then also being happy for what we have, content with the beauty that exists as is; in places and people and programs --- that will later bring us to bettering those things. Also, realizations that there is really tough shit, and it is tough shit --- letting it be tough, letting ourselves feel it while not letting it consume us. That is a difficult tension I have not yet discovered but am working towards, like to hear more about your journey in that area.
Paz; cheque Pues,
P.S I have always hated those "type in the letters" things below...they are hard to decipher you know...silly internet people.
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